Hyperlocal and small market media have the model media business? Discuss


Deadline MARCH 28 Noon to Blackboard

Hyperlocal and small market media have the model media business? Discuss

Analyse media ethics and profitability dilemmas

Articulate the changing forces impacting on the business of hyperlocal journalism

Analyse the business theories underpinning hyperlocal news operations

How will it be marked?

Quality of the structure, writing style and references

Quality of the argument – what is your main argument? How have you backed this up?

Quality of the critical framework – what theoretical underpinning have you used?

Quality of the literature review


The grading will reflect your competencies around:

To understand is to comprehend the key points, assumptions, arguments and evidence presented.
To analyse is to examine the different components and to consider how they fit together and related to each other.
To compare is to explore the similarities and differences between the ideas you are reading about.
To synthesize is to bring together different sources to serve an argument or idea you are constructing. Make logical connections between the different sources that help you shape and support your ideas.
To evaluate means to assess the worth of an idea in terms of its relevance to your needs, the evidence on which it is based and how it relates to other pertinent ideas.
How much does this assignment count? 40%

How long should it be? 1,500 plus or minus 10%

How should it be structured?

See the additional essay writing guidance

Background reading:

Thesis by Dave Harte available on Blackboard

Life at Small Market Newsrooms


Nesta Hyperlocal revenue models


The ocal News Lab


Centre for Community Journalism


Where Are We Now? UK Hyperlocal media and community journalism in 2015, by Damian Radcliffe:


The future of journalism in a digital age http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1461670X.2014.930254

“The Value of UK Hyperlocal Community News”, a co-authored article in the journal Digital Journalism:


The State of Hyperlocal Community News in the UK: Findings from a survey of practitioners, a co-authored report based on survey work with community news producers:


Community Engagement for Hyperlocal News: A practical guide, a guide that also has lots of nice examples of the work hyperlocals do to engage with the communities they serve:


Addressing the Democratic Deficit in Local News Through Positive Plurality, By Martin Moore (explores the use of contestable funding to promote and foster independent local news):


Is hyperlocal media still the future of news? http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/polis/2017/11/01/is-hyperlocal-news-still-the-future-of-journalism/

Sustaining Hyperlocal Media http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1464884917733587

Defining hyperlocal media http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1461444810385095

The value of networked journalism http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/31050

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