Research Project – Description of an advanced manufacturing process
Select one of the following topics and write a review article addressing the topic you have selected in
terms of novelty of the manufacturing process, the significance of its application and its potential impact
on society, economy and the environment. The technology should not be more than 20 years old.
1. New joining technologies (select one technology) for similar and dissimilar materials
2. Microfabrication
3. Modern manufacturing and the Internet of Things (IoT)
4. Robotics in manufacturing
5. AI in manufacturing
6. Manufacturing processes specific to the oil and gas industry or the energy sector in general
(select one process)
7. MEMS, nanomaterials, nano-technologies, nano machines, etc.
8. 3D printers and 3D printing (metals, or plastics), rapid prototyping, new sintering methods
Your research paper must follow these guidelines:
1. Review a minimum of four trustworthy sources
2. Article should not be more than 2000 words in the body of the report. Illustrations, tables and
figures are not included in the word count.
3. Type article with 12 point Times New Roman and 1.5 line spacing.
4. Article should be written as a scientific research article with an introduction, article body divided
into headings and subheadings as needed and a conclusion (note that “article body” is not a
section heading.)
5. References should be cited in the text and listed at the end of the article using IEEE citation
6. Submit the review article on Blackboard SafeAssign by the deadline. Late submissions will not be

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